Tuesday, January 11, 2011


7:43 Crawl out of bed after a restless night.

8:05 Leave for school after much protesting from the parents.

9:13 Some nimrod slams on their breaks while entering the parking lot at Ivy Tech; thus causing me to slide into the curb, ripping my wheel off the axle.

9:37 Show up to class late due to my car breaking down in the school parking lot. (Ps...So many helpful people who drove past honking and yelling and with the occasional middle finger. Classy.)

10:56 Repeat myself for the 3rd time that we do not want the flippen hypnotist.

12:45 Lunch with Dad. (Positive from my day)

3:30 Go to my advising appointment only to have my "advisor" freak out on me and insist that she is not my advisor and to go elsewhere. (Many helpful people at Ivy Tech today.)

4:37 Spot Geno in student commons; thus I went into hiding as to not be spotted.

6-8 Physical Science. It will be the death of me.

Clearly I didn't have a good day. I mean didn't we learn in drivers ed not to slam on your breaks on ice or snow or rain? I slept through drivers ed and even I know that. Come on. Junior High students who take basic science even understand that. Doesn't have something to do with friction? I don't know. Science isn't my thing. I'm just saying it's logic. Logic.

Ps....The high school parking lot is clear, but the roads are not clear. Were they hoping the kids would just apparate into the parking lot? Logic.

On the up side I did enjoy my theater appreciation class. I'm guessing it will be my favorite class, but I won't know that for sure until later in the semester. Hands down my physical science class will be my least favorite because it is in fact science. I got lucky and do not have that one guy for graphic design. My professor kind of has an intense personality, but I think she is going to be helpful in learning the course material.

The graphic design class is a class that I have with a people that I've had just about every one of my graphic classes with. A couple of them liked one of our professors so well that they are taking another one of her classes. It's a drawing class or else I would probably take it too. I'm just not so good at the whole drawing thing. You give me a camera and we can talk. You give me a pencil and paper and I'm lost. One girl made me kind of chuckle. She said that this professor was the perfect mix of two of the other professors we had . That one was kind of soft, and the other was kind of rigid. I wouldn't classify either of them that way. Rigid is rather harsh. She came back to say that this professor was strict but compassionate. I think it was the rigid that made me laugh because that is not how I would of described that professor. Strict yes, but we're not in high school anymore. Shouldn't more be expected of us? Especially when it's for a class that has to do with most peoples major. I mean when we get out in the real world of graphic design there will be deadlines that we will be expected to meet. It's part of the job.

Anyway, that was my day. The events and the thoughts. Real exciting I know.

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