Friday, January 28, 2011

A.D.D. And Me Take #3

Tuesdays and Thursdays are brutal. I probably should have rethought that whole 7 hour break thing. There is only so much studying I can take.

On Tuesday nights I have Physical Science, which I hate. I had so much trouble paying attention. I finally had to just whip out my mini slinky. That's right, I have a mini slinky in my back pack along with one of those Tangles. I have to keep my hands busy or else I get fidgety.

My professor probably thought I wasn't paying attention, but I was. In fact, I've been making reference to random things from the lesson this week. On Wednesday, Gary was talking about gold and its worth, and how it was silly that it is worth so much when its not really useful. Then he was like, "What would be different if all the gold on the earth was removed?" Meaning it rhetorically, but I replied with, "The density of Earth would change".


I had to bust the slinky back out in my music appreciation class, Thursday. The professor reads straight from the book, and then plays songs for us to listen to as an example. We are in the Renaissance period right now, and it all sounds the same to me. On the plus side as an intro she did play 'It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday' by Boyz II Men. I might have sang along. 3hrs of listening to someone read and listening to the music of Monteverdi is exhausting.

(The picture is the new face of Sunny Bright Productions.)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just Not Right

Our house is for sale, and today was the first day that we had someone come and look at the house. So this meant that a lot of cleaning went down today. I concentrated mostly on my room because it was in fact a disaster.

I got to thinking, as I was cleaning, what are these people going to think when they walk in here? The first thing people will see when they walk in my room is my desk top with my laptop sitting right next to it, a bookshelf that contains the Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings series, and a bunch of children's books, and a large poster of Michael Jackson. Then as I look to the right I notice the G5.1 poster that is hanging on my wall, and it makes me giggle a little.

You don't even want to get me started on the massive DVD collection. My room mainly consist of palm trees, movies, and Michael Jackson.

I'm pretty ridiculous.

Tonight was my night to have Sophia. That kid is ridiculous. She tried to eat my hair. Then I caught her kissing her reflection in the mirror and talking to herself. (shakes head)

I'm teaching her to beat box which my sister hates, but I think it is super funny.

And the topping on my evening was preparing one of the baby shower games for tomorrow. We are playing a game that requires freezing little plastic babies in ice cubes. Just doesn't seem right.

I'll let the picture speak for itself.


Friday, January 14, 2011

"We Rap"

My Thursday was much better than my Tuesday.

My Tuesdays and Thursdays are about the same. I have a seven hour break between classes that day. Makes for a long day. I'm currently looking for a part time job to work during that time; you know, since I don't have enough jobs as it is. Plus side is it will give me something to do for those hours, and it will give me a steady income.

In the mean time I'm spending that time studying and doing homework. I tried to get a head with my science, and it was a fail. I couldn't even understand what the question was asking. Physical science is going to dominate my life this semester. I did get to meet my friend Matt for coffee, though, so it gave me a nice little break.

My final class for the week is music appreciation. We did the usual introduction and telling of ourselves, and she wanted us to talk about our musical background and what genre we listen to. Most people were talking about country and rock and some jazz. Then you get to the little white girl in the back of the room.

I say my name and what my major is. I tell them about Nashville and Lipscomb and the theatre ed stuff. A couple people were kind of excited about that. Then I get to my musical background and I was like, "Yea, I did the choir thing in high school. And my cousin and I mess around with rapping. We "rap" (I actually did the air quotes). We've kind of got a group, whatever." My professor seemed pretty excited about that. I guess she is starting to listen to a little rap. Then of course I told them I listen to mainly rap, hip-hop, and R&B, and that Michael Jackson was my favorite. To which my professor was like, "He died too soon. Too young." And I replied with, "Yea. I might have cried a little."

Luckily I don't get embarrassed easily.

This music class is going to be interesting. We started with Medieval music last night. Not a fan, but then again I guess the whole point of the class is to get an appreciation of different genres and the history of music. However, she didn't really lecture. She just read straight from the book. It's hard to pay attention that way. 

That was my Thursday.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


7:43 Crawl out of bed after a restless night.

8:05 Leave for school after much protesting from the parents.

9:13 Some nimrod slams on their breaks while entering the parking lot at Ivy Tech; thus causing me to slide into the curb, ripping my wheel off the axle.

9:37 Show up to class late due to my car breaking down in the school parking lot. (Ps...So many helpful people who drove past honking and yelling and with the occasional middle finger. Classy.)

10:56 Repeat myself for the 3rd time that we do not want the flippen hypnotist.

12:45 Lunch with Dad. (Positive from my day)

3:30 Go to my advising appointment only to have my "advisor" freak out on me and insist that she is not my advisor and to go elsewhere. (Many helpful people at Ivy Tech today.)

4:37 Spot Geno in student commons; thus I went into hiding as to not be spotted.

6-8 Physical Science. It will be the death of me.

Clearly I didn't have a good day. I mean didn't we learn in drivers ed not to slam on your breaks on ice or snow or rain? I slept through drivers ed and even I know that. Come on. Junior High students who take basic science even understand that. Doesn't have something to do with friction? I don't know. Science isn't my thing. I'm just saying it's logic. Logic.

Ps....The high school parking lot is clear, but the roads are not clear. Were they hoping the kids would just apparate into the parking lot? Logic.

On the up side I did enjoy my theater appreciation class. I'm guessing it will be my favorite class, but I won't know that for sure until later in the semester. Hands down my physical science class will be my least favorite because it is in fact science. I got lucky and do not have that one guy for graphic design. My professor kind of has an intense personality, but I think she is going to be helpful in learning the course material.

The graphic design class is a class that I have with a people that I've had just about every one of my graphic classes with. A couple of them liked one of our professors so well that they are taking another one of her classes. It's a drawing class or else I would probably take it too. I'm just not so good at the whole drawing thing. You give me a camera and we can talk. You give me a pencil and paper and I'm lost. One girl made me kind of chuckle. She said that this professor was the perfect mix of two of the other professors we had . That one was kind of soft, and the other was kind of rigid. I wouldn't classify either of them that way. Rigid is rather harsh. She came back to say that this professor was strict but compassionate. I think it was the rigid that made me laugh because that is not how I would of described that professor. Strict yes, but we're not in high school anymore. Shouldn't more be expected of us? Especially when it's for a class that has to do with most peoples major. I mean when we get out in the real world of graphic design there will be deadlines that we will be expected to meet. It's part of the job.

Anyway, that was my day. The events and the thoughts. Real exciting I know.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


So.....Bout this whole blogging thing.

I've not had a new post in a couple months. I've just had no time. I feel like I've not stopped moving for 4 months. Wednesday I did absolutely nothing, and it was marvelous.

It's a new year so I think tonight I will talk about this past year, and the things that are to come this year.

2010 was a year of frustration, goal setting, and accomplishment. I returned to college after taking three semesters off, and kicked ass doing it by getting a 4.0 my first semester back. Proving to myself that, with hard work, I can do anything I set my mind to. I finally decided what I want to be when I grow up, a high school theater teacher. I made the decision that I will attend Lipscomb University to obtain my bachelors degree, and I am working hard now to reach that goal.  I went through a frustrating, but much needed, growing period with my girls.  I finally got the opportunity to reconnect with my father's family.  I was Maid of Honor for Elyssa's wedding. G5.1 was founded. (Ha) I quit working for that misogynistic hypocrite. Sunny Bright Productions finally took off with me producing a senior video, a video for the Lawrence County Fair Queen Contest, and a video for the Mitchell High School Volleyball team. Also I photographed 2 Seniors, 2 engagements, and a wedding. And I became the SADD sponsor for Mitchell High School, taking the reins from my high school mentor. 2010 was a good year, a frustrating year, but a good one.

2011..... Rebecca and Melissa will be graduating from high school. Two girls that I love and have tried to be intentional with for four years, will be graduating high school and leaving. God has blessed me with the opportunity to see and be a part of their growth, and I'm eager to see what's next for them. Though, it is a really strange feeling to think about them leaving. I myself will be graduating from Ivy Tech this year with an Associates in Liberal Arts and a certificate of Graphic Design. Also this year I will be a bridesmaid in a wedding for a girl I roomed with at ISU. It's weird because I didn't expect us to get along as well as we did, but we did and now she is one of my best friends.

I have a lot of things to be proud of from 2010, and many things to look forward to for 2011.

Happy New Year, Readers!