Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Answered Prayers

Praise be to God.

My cousin just let me know that my Pappaw's cancer is shrinking. He is in remission.

Such a big weight has been lifted.

God is good!

I needed to hear that.

Please keep Pappaw and the family in your prayers.

O man...You have no idea. No idea how thankful I am right now.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Time? What time?

I completely dominated my first semester back in school. All A's what? 4.0 what? I worked really hard, and I'm proud of myself just for that fact.

Life is crazy right now. It's really good, it's just crazy busy. I know what I'm doing every day through December. Ridiculous.

My little cousin graduated from high school last week. He was Validvictorian of his class. I'm really proud of him. He is a great kid. He'll be leaving for school in the fall. We are all leaving. Chris and Aaron will be leaving in August for USI. Elyssa is getting married in July, and Jennifer is engaged. Then next year I'll be leaving for Lipscomb, and Seb will be leaving for school. It's weird to think that this is the age we are all at now. So weird.

I've decided that I'm going to start journaling again. I have way too much that goes on in my head, and it keeps me awake at night. I'm hoping that by writing things out I'll be able to get rid of some of the junk in my head. Plus I've been having some jacked up dreams. So I need to empty my mind before bed.

I also probably need to cut back on the caffiene because that is probably affecting my sleep. But let's not talk about that. ;)

On the schedule for this week: Engagement Pics, a Senior Video, and Chaperoneing Rivervale.

Time to get to it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Nothing Dumber Than People"

One of my teens brought to my attention about a week ago that there were comments being made about her on the Times Mail website. Sparked my attention so I went to check it out.

All I can really say is that people are ridiculous.

It turned from discussing a real issue to bashing one another, teenagers, and a couple of coaches.

Let me tell you.....We've got some real high class people around this place.

But you know what guys? You're right..... How dare the Mitchell School Board higher a young person with potential. Man that really ticks me off too. I hate seeing people with potential be given a chance.

Move on people. Doesn't matter how it happened. It is what it is. Let's not punish the coach or the teens. Let's go out there and support our Lady Jackets.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stories of A Substitute Take #2

There is a reason I am not on the list to sub in the junior high.

Junior High Band. Enough said.

I sent one kid to the office for telling another kid to go f*** himself. That was my first class.

I received several pictures from one class. This one I have yet to really figure it out. It looks like I am pinching that kids nose. I don't know.

My 8th period kids were probably the best behaved and the most entertaining.

Let me tell you the conversation I had with one student. Random Kid: "What's your name?"  Me: "Slone"  Random Kid: "Oh. That's a strange name."  Me: "Uuuuhhhh...Yea. I guess it is."

AND apparantly I had Napoleon Dynamite in class today. I couldn't figure out if that was how he always acted or if he was just doing it to be funny, but either way it made me laugh.

I woke up at 4am wide awake. I am real tired.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Once upon a time.....

I came home after working at Arby's and hanging out with the Best Friend. When I got home I went to get some yogurt from the fridge. It was dark in the house because it was late and my parents were in bed. So I didn't turn any lights on, I just used the fridge light. I turned around after getting my yogurt from the fridge and opening it. When I turned around to head towards the trash can there was a small furry creature standing starring at me. It was a possum.

I starred at him for a few seconds to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Then I said, "You realize I can see you right?" (Yes. I did talk to the possum.) It just stood there starring at me with its beady little eyes darting back and forth.

I then preceeded to go and wake up my dad so that he could get the possum.. So he got out of bed and got it.

A few hours later....

There is a knock on my bedroom door. My dad had found another possum under their bed. Possum #2.

A couple days later....

I was doing the dishes, and went to get a dish towel from the drawer. (I always throw a towel over my shoulder when I do dishes or cook. I think I get that from my daddy.) So I open up the drawer, and pull out a dish towel. And under that dish towel was ANOTHER possum. Possum #3. It hissed at me, and showed its teeth. After I yelped like a little girl and slammed the drawer closed, I laughed for a good 5 minutes.

My dad found 4 more possums outside the house that week before he caught the Mama possum. Grand total of 8 possums.

I ran across a picture of one of the possums today, thats why I chose to tell you this story.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


What a week.

Semester is over. Just waiting on final grades now. I worked hard this semester so no matter what my final grades are, I'm proud of myself. I've never really put a whole lot of effort into my education until this semester. So even though it was Ivy Tech, I still made an effort to maintain good grades.

I only had one professor that I'm not sure if I liked him or not. I liked the rest all right. And the professor I didn't think I liked in the beginning of the semester I turned out liking. Learned a lot in that class. One of those hands on classes, so it wasn't like I had to sit through a lecture and try and pay attention. I got to learn by doing. So I liked that. Learned I don't really care too much about Adobe Illustrator, but I really like photoshop. Indesign was meh....I don't actually plan on going into graphic design though anyway. However, its a good thing to minor in when you are majoring in Theater.

I'm not even sure if I have stated this as a forsure thing on here yet, but after I finish up at Ivy Tech, I will be transferring into Lipscomb University. My major will be theater education, and the graphic design certificate that I'll have from Ivy Tech will transfer in as a minor.

Went to Nashville a few weeks ago to meet with people about all of that. Found out I get more scholarship money than I realized. So I was pretty pumped about that. I think maybe I've already said that.

But yea...Lipscomb. It was time to make a plan instead of hoping that something would just fall in my lap. I'm actively working on a plan. It's weird. Being an adult is weird. But I guess a good weird. 

Change is good.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear Anonymous

Dear Anonymous (iub2807),

The reason that your comments are not being posted is because I do not allow anonymous comments. I'm all about negative comments, as long as you are willing to own up to it. But you, my friend, are a spinless coward. You are the kind of person that hits someone in the back of the head and then runs away like a little girl. It is a little ironic that you are making reference to me staying in my 'safe little bubble' when it is you who is hiding. When you decide you would like to stop being a coward and have a real discussion about the blog, then I would love to post your comments. Until then, your comments will not be posted.
