Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just Call Me Mr. Wittaker

Well Readers let me tell you about my Saturday. I woke up at an early 8am. Thats early for me. Especially when you don't sleep at night. But lets not go there. I got up and got ready for work, and then went to work. I had not been looking forward to it at all. We were having an author come in to do a book signing and childrens reading. And since I was the only one who would be there making smoothies I knew this would probably be bad news for me. However it actually went really well. I didnt get over whelmed. Sold a lot of smoothies which was good, and I didn't freak out.

The author we had was a woman by the name of Wanda Brunstetter. She rights amish books and some childrens books. Clearly I had no idea who she was. But I got to meet her. Shake her hand, and she hugged me. She was a very sweet older woman, and her husband was with her and he got a couple smoothies from me. Wanda brought a puppet with her. It is then that I realized that I really love puppets. For real.

I went through my normal retuin for a saturday while opening. You know made coffee, did some cleaning, and what not. Then my boss showed up so I helped her with setting up for the event. Then Keith, the other boss, came walking up with a buggy. I real amish buggy. Guess who got to clean it. That would be right. Me. He actually had given it one bath, but the inside needed to be cleaned because people were getting pictures taken in it. So I found that humorous.

I spent the next few hours making smoothies with a smile. I had a mother and daughter come in and they were really friendly. They were from Bloomington. I suggested that they try the 'Bannana Nut Blast'. They really enjoyed that. They talked to me and were really nice. They even let my boss know that I was doing a good job. Which is really nice, because he isn't exactly encouraging. So other people telling him that I was doing a good job helps. So thanks to them!

Later in the day Gary and Jimmy came in to meet about some camp stuff. Jimmy ordered a Java Jolt. Which I was happy about because that meant more caffiene for me. See when there is a little bit left in the blender and not enough to give out as a sample, I get to try it. I had a LOT of caffiene yesterday. A LOT. Gary ordered an iced coffee. I didn't get to try any of that. It was nice of them to meet there and buy dranks from me. Helps put money in my pay check.

A boy came in around that same time and he was real chatty. He asked me what class I was in, and I informed him that I was 22. He told me I totally didn't look 22, and I told him I don't act 22 either. He had just graduated from BNL. I don't really remember his name. I feel like it was Michael, but Michael is the name of the kid whose job I have now. So I'm not sure thats right. However, he said he was a regular so I really probably need to remember his name.

After the book signing there was an older man and his wife that were talking to Brenda about somethings. Brenda went to go check something for them. And by that I mean that is what she went to do, but got distracted with 8 million other things. She does that often. Makes me smile. Anyway, the old man asked if I had ever heard of The Odyssey. And he preceeded to tell me about this radio program for kids. Which I thought he was making a reference to my child like quality and trying to say I should listen in. I told him that I use to watch those videos when I was a kid. And he said that the whole set up (the smoothie bar) reminded him of that. That I reminded him of Mr. Wittaker. When I gave him a funny look he made sure to tell me that it was a good thing and he meant it as a compliment. (shakes head) Just call me Mr. Wittaker.

A few minutes shy of close an older woman came into the store. She stood there for a minute turning around and looking puzzled. Then a bell dinged indicating someone had come in the door on the other side. She stared at the huge opening leading into the store and said, "Is that a glass window?" I told her no that was the entrance into the book store, and asked if she wanted a smoothie. She said, "No" and then said, "I have no idea where I am right now." Which I thought 'Oh crap'. She said, "Where am I?" To which I replyed, "This is Heaven's Garden." (Which by the way is the name of the store. It is on the door as you enter.) She said, "O. Ok. I need 20s. And I said, "Ok. Would you like a smoothie?" "No. I need 20s." Ok. So I opened my drawer. She handed me a $50 bill so I gave her two 20s and a 10. Then she said, "Can I have something?" And I said, "Sure. Would you like a smoothie?" She said, "What can I get for free?" Keith and I looked at each other, and then looked back at her. Keith told her that she could buy something. To which she replyed, "I thought this was Heaven. Heaven is suppose to be free." Then she stormed out angry, while Keith and I stood there puzzled.

Over all this was a much better Saturday of work. We made enough money to cover the time I worked yesterday, and possibly friday. I only sold two smoothies Friday in the 4 hours I worked. :/ We stayed steady with business all day. I was never bored. Always had something to do. So it made my day go by faster. I did have a lot of caffiene in my system, and was farely hyper when I went home. You know, talking really fast, jumping up and down, running through the house. Your typical 5 year old behavior. Whatev.

Well Readers, I hope enjoyed this weekends addition. It was defiantly an entertaining Saturday. Enjoy the rest of yoru long weekend!


  1. its adventures in oddyssey, and i remember it as a cartoon. and yes, heavens garden reminds me of that now.

    and the crazy lady make me


  2. I think giantdave is davia arthur because he's the only giant i know named dave. although, he is very skinny for a giant, which i always picture as pot-bellied.

    Lindsay, this stuff you wrote about makes me laugh and smile.
