Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stories of A Substitute: The Final Take

Today was my last day subbing at Mitchell High School.

3 years ago when I came home, I knew that my time in Mitchell couldn't be just about me. That's why I got involved with the teens at the MCOC, and it's what led me into subbing. I knew that working with the teens at the MCOC would be great, but that it would only give me access to a certain group of kids. I decided that I would apply to be a sub at Mitchell High School because it would give me more access to a wider range of kids.

The first day I subbed was Wednesday, October 29, and it was for Julie Colglazier. I remember being pretty nervous, which looking back on it was probably really silly. After I subbed for her that day, I apologized to her for being such a pain when I was in her class.

One of the highlights from the days that I would sub was always lunch. I'm not really sure why because it never really has been that exciting. Most of the time they all sit there and complain about something. When I first started, I would always sit up stairs in the teachers lounge at the "Men's table", and listen to Tolliver, Giggy, and Seitzinger talk about the good ol' days when coke was a nickel or whatever.

Then, this year one of the newer teachers asked me to eat lunch in the FACS room with some of the other newer teachers. That kind of blew me away because most of those teachers had never actually acknowledged my presence, so I'm sure that they didn't know what to do with me. After that, I just kind of kept eating with them. Some of the students have affectionately nicknamed it 'the cool kids table'. Does that make me a 'cool kid'?

Though, I have to admit, I'm not sure I want to be lumped into all of that.

I'd have to say one of the 'highlights' of this year was when I subbed for Kearns, and Jake pop, locked, and dropped it in the middle of class. Or how about last week when one of my students asked another student for a dip, with me standing right there. Not only am I the sub in the room, I am also the SADD Sponsor.

The moral in that place isn't so great, and I don't just mean amongst the students. That became more evident to me this year, while sponsoring SADD. Everyone wanted to complain, but no one wanted to be part of the solution. You can't really expect these kids to care, when the adults in their lives don't care.

Every once in a while, Tolliver would get me refocused and remind me why I was there. I wasn't there for me or for the faculty, but for those kids. I had to remind myself of that a few times.

That place will suffocate you, if you let it.

I have had a lot of frustrating moments in that place, but I have also had a lot of great moments. I've built relationships with kids that I would not have been able to had I not been in the high school. It's also been a learning experience, and it's what pushed me to go into education. Crazy I know.

Some of these kids have left a real impression on me, and they will be missed. It has been an interesting, wonderful, and at times frustrating 3 years, and I've loved every minute of it.

Not gonna lie, the past couple of weeks have been emotionally exhausting. I've worked on graduation videos which I love doing, but I'm doing several videos for kids I love. I started with a hard one, which was Alayna, and I'm ending on a hard one, which is Melissa.

I've also got graduation presents to work on for Rebecca and Melissa. That's been hard. That's made things harder. It's weird that they are graduating. I've spent 4 years investing in these two girls, and they have just made me so proud. I know that Friday will be rough, but I also know that they are entering a new and exciting phase of their lives and I am just so excited for them.

Shout out to Rebecca Burris who is not only in the top 10 of her class, but holds the #2 spot. I'm so proud of you, Rebecca. ;)

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