Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dream Dream Dream

So I had a frightening dream last night.

I was pregnant.

Apparently I had gone to some frat party and well....Yea know. Haha. Anyway, for some reason I was suppose to be carrying my sister's baby for her. Like a surrogate. However, I had forgotten about the frat party. The baby I was carrying was actually my baby, and not Jennifer's. It was very soap operaish.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Freaked me out. I think I need to cut back on the caffeine or something.

Today, in my Fundamentals of Design class the Professor used one of my pieces as an example of how to do it. That made me feel really good. I got it right! We are actually doing something kind of cool. We are painting with 3 different colors, but trying to make it look like four colors. That's probably not a real great description. All the same its pretty neat.

While staring off into space today, I started thinking about lesson plans. I made lesson plans in my head today for when I am teaching. Then when I woke up out of it, I got really excited. I'm really excited to become a teacher. Craziness.

At church tonight, Gary pointed me out as someone who is the same with everyone. Who I am with one person I am with another. I try to be constant. Trying to be someone different with different people is really exhausting. Trust me. Been there. Done that. It's hard to keep up. It's a lot easier to just be one person with everyone. Those who don't like who I am probably aren't worth having around anyway.

Seb and I worked some more on 'In My Suit' today. We are almost finished with the 2nd verse. It's coming along nicely.

A whole lot of randomness tonight. But then again, that's kind of the point of my blog.

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