Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Monday Blues

Mondays are my longest days.

I have 3 classes on Mondays.

The first being Fundamentals of Design. I think I have a love hate relationship with this class. I'm not exactly good at drawing. Not my forte. I think my professor can see the fear in my eyes when she is explaining what we are suppose to do. Luckily, she has been really helpful so that makes me like the class a little better, and makes me want to work harder. I'm learning new things in there too which makes me like a little more.

My second class is the Sociology of Relationships and Families. This is my favorite class. I really like the subject and I feel like I'm learning a lot in there. The professor is very up beat and involves us in the lesson. Most classes you don't want to ask questions or comment in, but this class is not like that. It's interesting to get all the different views from my classmates. Yesterday, we talked about race and ethnicity and did a little activity that was designed to make us uncomfortable and laugh. And we all know how much I love a good stereo type and to make people uncomfortable. We got a paper with different ethnic groups on it and we had to write out 5 stereo types of those groups. When you hear all the stereo types you realize how stupid stereo typing is. Then we watched an episode of 30 Days which is by the same guy who did the documentary about McDonald's. In this episode a christian man from West Virgina went to live with a Muslim family for 30 days. It was really interesting. There are a lot of things about that religion that I didn't know. People of this faith really do get a bad wrap because of September 11.

My third class, and my least favorite, is typography. I have no idea what is going on in that class. None. The guy who is teaching, is an older man who has never taught before. He talks and talks and never gets to a point. And we ask questions to try and understand what he wants, and get even more confused. I know he is trying so I'm trying to give the class the benefit of the doubt. I had high hopes for this class because a friend really liked typography when she took, and then I get there and am very disappointed. Hopefully it will get better. I guess that just means that I am going to have to work extra hard in this class so that he at least knows I'm making an effort even if I have no idea what I'm doing. (shrugs)

The best part of my Monday.....CallieAnn text me to say she was coming up Friday. So pumped!

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