I probably have the most amazing best friend ever. She called to check on me twice this week. It's been a slightly rough week.
The other night at work I started thinking about my high school psychology class. I have psychology on the mind because I have a test on Monday and an "extra credit" paper due on Monday. So there isn't room for much of anything else in there until after my test Monday. Anyway....My sophomore year of high school I took psychology, and we had a student teacher for a little while. His name was Jason Hoynackie (Spelling on that is defiantly wrong). We called him Hoynak. He was a real awkward fello. Very little hair on his head and lots and lots of hair on his arms. When he would walk to the projector he would have this little strut that we all liked to imitate so well. Miss Debbie had told him when he started that he could chose any lesson from the book that he wanted to cover as long as we hadn't already gone over it. He chose the chapter over stress. All of his examples were about his car radio being stolen out of his car, or going on vacation with his girl friend. The day of the test roles around, and Hoynak didn't show up to give the test. Come to find out, he found that teaching was too stressful and couldn't handle the pressure. Ironic? I think so.
I have a lot to accomplish in the next few days. I have a test to study for. A paper to write. A test to finish. A presentation to get ready. A tutorial to finish. A critic of my wicked awesome final project for the class with Given. Some subbing to do. Some smoothie making to do. And a birthday to celebrate.
Destiny is turning 7 on Sunday. It's so weird. The time has gone by so fast, and she is growing up so fast. 7 years. It's so weird. She asked me for a Fashion Barbie and Silly String for her birthday. So guess what she got. A fashion barbie and silly string. The kid has me wrapped around her finger.
I probably shouldn't have kids. I'm kind of a push over.
Ps...Sleep and I are not getting along. Not good. I need sleep. I can not think clearly or speak coherently.
Tuesday night I spoke with an Italian accent for a couple of hours. And continue to do so. I'm just saying, I need some sleep.
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