So back in the day when I attended ISU, I took a creative writing class. This is something I came across today. The assignment was to write a poem using the alphabet to start each line. I forgot I still had it.
My Alphabets
Anger builds inside me
Bursting to get out
Controlling my emotions.
Danger flashes in my eyes
Everyone senses my warning
Fleeing the scene.
Guilt spreads through my soul
Hovering over me
Ignoring my cries for help.
Juggling my emotions
Kicking and screaming
Laughing in my face.
My lungs burn from screaming
Normality has left me
Opening my scars to the world.
Pretending not to care
Quickly I run to hide
Remembering my past.
Sulking about my future
Terrified of what is to come
Unable to cope.
Wondering why it all started
Visualizing my past
X-raying my memory.
You were why it started, and
Zipping the bag closed, you end it.
It's interesting and disturbing to look back on this. I was still in a real funk when I wrote that. It's disturbing to read this and to see that pain that I was feeling then. However, its interesting to read this and see how far I've come in the past 3 years.
At the time it felt like I would never escape that, but I did. My sister told me something wise once. She said to never let anybody bring me down; that no one has enough power to do that unless I let them.
I eventually got out of that funk. God's been good to me even through the funks I've gone through. He always sees me though it. God is good.
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