Friday, June 25, 2010

The King of Pop

Today marks the one year anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson.

The Thriller video is what made me want to go into the entertainment business in the first place.

The man was a genius when it came to music and dance. That is evident when you listen to his music or watch him dance. And if that isn't enough for you......The fact that he still holds the record for the highest selling album of all time should be.

You don't have to like it, but you do have to respect it.

Today to honor MJ I listened to the 'Bad' album several times(It's the only cassette I own of his. That's right. I'm rocking a cassette player in my car.Be jealous.), and I am currently watching 'This Is It', which is a documentary showing footage from his final concert rehearsals. If you haven't seen it, it's worth watching. Especially if you are a techie, or love the art of dancing. The tech stuff he had planned was insane. And of course the dancing was fabulous. Check it out if you get a chance.

As for me, I will continue to remember Michael through his music.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Gon Be Who I Be

Oooooo Jill Scott.

It's possible that I've listened to the same song 20 times today.
'Hate On Me' by Jill Scott. Downloaded it today.

It was on Glee last season. I have become addicted to this show.

Life is just one giant musical. I love it.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about me, and about who other people want me to be. See everyone wants to try and fit me into this picture. This picture of who or what they want me to be. Everyone has an opinion on my life. The clothes I should wear. How I should do my hair. Who my friends should be. Who I should be dating. Where I should go to school. What my future career should be.

I do not, nor do I ever want to fit into the pictures everyone seems to have of me. You can't put me in a box. I am who I am.

I've finally learned that I don't have to find my selfworth in other people. I love who I am right now. That doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement, but right now, I'm loving the journey I'm on.

In the words of Gavin Degraw, "I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately."

People don't have to like, but they do have to deal with it.

"I'm Gon Be Who I Be.....Hate on me Hater. Now or Later. Cause I'm gonna do Me."