Oooooooo......The Holidays. How I love them.
I come from what they call a split family. Basically what that means during the holidays is not one family visit, but 3 family visits. Can't lie though. I love every minute of it.
Let me tell you about my 3 Thanksgivings. We will start with the Slone Family.
Thursday we went out to SMBC (Yes. You should be jealous.) because we have far too many family members to fit into a house. It's hard enough just fitting us all in when it's just the Slone Family, but then on Thanksgiving the Black family (No not like a family made up of African Americans although I do have 3 black cousins but lets not go there.) comes up to celebrate with us. Then we deffiantly can't fit in a house. It was a pretty good visit. I got to spend time with my cousins, which I always love. We don't get much time together now a days due to work and significant others, so anytime we actually have time together I try to take advantage of it.
My Pappaw came up to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. He brought me a couch to put in my room. It looks kinda vintage and I love it. It's uber comfortable.
Friday we had Thanksgiving with the Conn Family. (No. It is not a family made up of convicts. Not entirely anyway.) There were a lot of people there too. I got to chat with my cousin Alisa a little about the biz. AND I got to see my Aunt LD which I only see once every couple of years. So that was nice. I got to chat about school a little with my Aunt Missy. But I think the most important part of that visit was that my Auntie Gladys gave me some good advice. She told me to not go back to school to prove it to other people, but to prove it to myself. Thats something I needed to hear. And she loved me enough to say it to me. I love my Auntie. On the way to and from Louisville, my parents and I listened to a CD that I had burnt. It was fun to listen to them name the songs and the artist as the songs came up. And it was probably exciting to them that they knew the songs.
Saturday was Thanksgiving with the Day Family. I anticipated it being far more awkward then it was. For a couple of reasons but we will just stick with one for the moment. The baby daddy came with us. And well.....My uncle is such a joy (insert sarcasm). I was concerned that he would be his usual 'Jesus loves me better than you' self, however he didn't. (I should probably say this about Darrel. I think he has intentionally tried to better with me. But....well. Thats a story for another time.) Anyway....It wasn't as awkward of a day as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong. It was plenty awkward, but not as awkward as it could've been. I got some good time with my cousins. I only see them about once a year, so its nice to get time with them. After we had lunch with Grandma Opal, we went to see Pappaw Joe. For those of you who don't know my Pappaw has been battling cancer for a while. He just finished his radiation treatments. He is really weak right now. You could tell that he was sad. My Pappaw is not a weak man. So this has been hard for him. Also he was not able to put up his Christmas lights which he has done every year since before I was born. So I think that makes him sad too. Please pray for my Pappaw and that he will gain his strength back.
On a lighter note, we did Sister Pictures on Saturday. It was the first time that all 6 of us have ever been in the same room together. So it was really exciting to be able to spend time with all of them. I may have quite possibly turned Destiny into a photographer. I don't call her Mini Me for nothing.
Black Friday. My parents went out on Black Friday. Crazy. They left the house at 3am. They bought themselves a new tv for their bedroom which means I got their old tv. My tv was in fact dying slowly.
I myself went to Walmart Friday on a mission. They had $2 movies, and anyone who knows me knows how I feel about a good movie deal. I bought 7 movies for $20. 5 were $2 movies: The Phantom of the Opera, Miss Congeniality, Wedding Crashers, I Am Legend, and The Lake House. And I bought 2 $5 movies: He's Just Not That Into You, and Yes Man.
So I got a couch, a tv, and some new movies all in one weekend. Can't complain.
Overall it was a good weekend. An exhasuting weekend, but a good one. I got some good time with all my sisters, and with some cousins. I would deffiantly say it was a good Thanksgiving.
Readers! Be thinking about the people in your life who have really made a difference in your life this year. Be praying for those people, and try and do something for them. Let them know that they are appreciated.